Will We See A New Name On The World Cup This Summer?

  By Simon Cromie Simply put, the World Cup is the biggest stage in sport. For one month every four years, the eyes of the world lift their gaze from the mundane, the every-day, to fixate upon a competition which captures attention like no other. Those who have little to no interest in football are […]

Which Outsiders Will Triumph At World Cup In Russia?

The World Cup is very nearly upon us. The spectacle in Russia is not without controversy, from rigged bidding, to the risk of the over politicisation of the event looming over the finals. But one thing about the World Cup that makes it so great is that once the tournament kicks off, it’s all about […]

Looking At Russia 2018… Too Early?

So as the dust settles on Brazil 2014 and Germany well and truly partied out after their triumph, it’s probably a bit too soon too look forward to Russia 2018. But hey, we football fanatics don’t know the meaning of too soon and it looks like MyTopSportsbooks.com agrees, as they already have odds for the […]