We Shouldn’t Judge ‘New Normal’ Bundesliga Just Yet!

The Bundesliga became the first major European football league to resume after the Covid-19 pandemic sent us all into lockdown.
It’s return was met with a mixed response. Some loved it and others didn’t.
Fans of German football will have enjoyed seeing their favourite stars on the pitch again, while those of us that like a flutter will have been eager to watch the games too. If you’re a keen and responsible gambler then you should also check out onlinecasinosnoop.com.
Then we had others moaning about the lack of atmosphere without fans in the terraces and how the games resembled training games more than actual full bloodied contests.
I can see both sides of the argument having a point but I’d urge caution when it comes to judging the Bundesliga and the ‘New Normal’ based solely on the first weekend of action.
A lot of football fans hate change and having football being played behind closed doors is one hell of a dramatic change! These supporters were always expected to be all doom and gloom.
I do understand that without fans football is nothing but what do we do? Not having football until we can accommodate fans will mean that we might not see football again this year!
I think lessons will be learned from the opening week, I for one would like to see a trial involving fan noise being piped into the stadia.
After six weeks or so of lockdown, players were never going to be fully up to speed. That added to the fact they were playing in stadiums without fans made the whole affair a bit tense. Once the players have more minutes under their belt and they get used to the surroundings I am sure the quality on show will improve greatly.
We need to give The Bundesliga a few more weeks before we can judge if it’s return has been a success or not. They need to make sure personnel and players remain safe and well and they will also need to iron out a few teething problems. If they can do all that, then the rest of Europe should look to German football as the blueprint as we try to bring football out of lockdown!
Posted on May 18th, 2020 by scott
Filed under: Article
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