Vince McMahon Buying Newcastle? Hell No!


Twitter is all a buzz with talk that Vincent McMahon was interested in buying Newcastle United.

Within hours we had photoshopped pictures of former wrestlers wearing the Toon’s black and white strips, a faked Vinny Mac Geordie tweet and ‘Vince McMahon’ was trending on the social networking site.

The story/myth started as far back as 2011. The mainstream media picked up on it and dropped it just as quick.

It would be amazing to have the WWE owner buy into British football, just to hear his insane ideas and see him turn the EPL into an even bigger circus.

Can you imagine him trying to do deals with Messrs Abramovich, Tan or Sheikh Mansour? They turn down his bids and he smashes them over the head with a steel chair!

If the referee makes a dodgy call against his outfit and he sends on Hulk Hogan to do a run-in and a crooked ref comes out and overrules the first official.

Alan Pardew loses three or four games straight and has to kiss McMahon’s ass just to keep his job! Then Pardew gets replaced by Jake the snake Roberts whose team talks involves him getting Damien out of his sack and into the players faces.

We could have all the lights go out before the match and the ‘Magpies’ could come out to the ‘Undertaker’s’ theme tune.

Although all this would be ‘awesome’ (I’m already talking/typing like a 90s wrestler), the fact is that its never going to happen.

Vince McMahon is closing in on his 70th year. By all accounts the mogul is already taking a step back from his wrestling company, leaving it to younger members of his family. The multi-millionaire has already lost a small fortune in a venture outside of wrestling. He tried to establish an American football product that would compete against the NFL. The venture lasted one season and the WWE lost a reported $35m.

I just can’t see why the wrestling titan would gamble any of his money on a sport that he knows very little about. His company/product already has a good foothold in the UK and won’t get much more exposure from buying an EPL side.

Plus I seriously doubt Mike Ashley would even entertain the notion of selling to anyone. Maybe if he is offered crazy money but who would pay that for Newcastle at the moment?

But it’s a very intriguing story that raises a smile, even if its just an over inflated rumour.

One Response to “Vince McMahon Buying Newcastle? Hell No!”

  1. This has to be a Makem wind up. !!!

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